Seite 242 - Healthful Living (1897)

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Healthful Living
there is no darkness so dense, so impenetrable, as that which follows
the rejection of Heaven’s light, through whatever source it may come.
Can men comprehend God?—No. They may speculate in regard
to his way and works, but only as finite beings can.—
1198. Those who think they can obtain a knowledge of God aside
from his Representative, whom the word declares is “the express image
of his person,” will need to become fools in their own estimation before
they can be wise. Christ came as a personal Saviour to the world.
He represented a personal God. He ascended on high as a personal
Saviour, and will come again as he ascended into heaven, a personal
Saviour. It is impossible to gain a perfect knowledge of God from
nature, for nature itself is imperfect. A curse, a blight, is upon it. Yet
the things of nature, marred as they are by the blight of sin, inculcate
truths regarding the skilful Master Artist. One omnipotent Power,
great in goodness in mercy, and in love, has created the earth, and even
in its blighted state much that is beautiful remains. Nature’s voice
speaks, saying that there is a God back of nature, but it does not, in its
imperfections, represent God. Nature cannot reveal the character of
God in his moral perfection.—
Unpublished Testimonies, July 3, 1898
Beacon Lights
1199. The Bible is the most comprehensive and the most instructive
history that men possess. It came fresh from the Fountain of eternal
truth; and a divine hand has preserved its purity through all the ages.
Its bright rays shine into the far-distant past, where human research
seeks vainly to penetrate. In God’s word only we find an authentic
account of creation. Here we behold the power that laid the foundation
of the earth, and that stretched out the heavens. In this word only can
we find a history of our race unsullied by human prejudice or human
In the varied scenes of nature also are lessons of divine wisdom for
all who have learned to commune with God. The pages that opened in
undimmed brightness to the gaze of the first pair in Eden, bear now a
shadow. A blight has fallen upon the fair creation. And yet, wherever
we turn are traces of primal loveliness. Wherever we may turn, we
hear the voice of God, and behold his handiwork.