Page 205 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 9—The Management of Sanitariums
those employed in our institutions be such as will let the light of
truth shine forth in their daily words and actions. It is only such that
Christ can accept as workers together with Him.
I write thus definitely that all may understand the importance of
eradicating evil influences from our sanitariums, which are estab-
lished for the purpose of bringing healing and blessing to suffering
human beings who are sick in mind and body.—
Manuscript 69,
Experienced Workers Needed
It is not the wisest course to connect with our sanitariums too
many who are inexperienced, who come as learners, while there is
a lack of experienced, efficient workers. We need more matronly
women, and men who are sound and solid in principle—substantial
men who fear God and who can carry responsibilities wisely. Some
may come and offer to work for smaller wages because they enjoy
being at a sanitarium or because they wish to learn; but it is not true
economy to supply an institution largely with inexperienced helpers.
If the right persons are connected with our sanitariums, and if
all will humble their hearts before God, although there may now
be a heavy debt upon the institution, the Lord will work in such a
way that the debt will be lessened, and souls will be converted to the
truth, because they see that the workers are following in the way of
the Lord and keeping His commandments.—
Manuscript 57, 1909.
Wholly Devoted to God
I am very anxious that all those connected with our sanitariums
shall be men whose lives are wholly devoted to God, free from all
evil works. There are some who seem to have lost all sense of the
sacred character of our institutions and the purpose for which they
were established. A great dread has been upon my mind as to what
the results will be of this lack of spirituality and clear discernment.
There is a great need of loyalty to principle. The Lord calls for young
men to work in our sanitariums who will not yield to temptation.
The lives of the young people connected with our sanitariums should