Page 206 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Medical Ministry
be such as to exert a convicting and converting power upon those
who have not received the message for this time.
Our sanitariums are to be conducted in such a way that God
will be honored and glorified. They are not to become a snare. But
unless the human instrumentalities are under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, the enemy will use them to carry out his devisings for
the hindrance of God’s cause and for the destruction of their own
souls. Many have already lost their first love for the great, grand,
Bible truths concerning Christ’s second coming.—
Manuscript 63,
The Selection of Workers
Great care should be shown in choosing young people to connect
with our sanitariums. Those who have not the love of the truth in the
soul should not be chosen. The sick need to have wise words spoken
to them. The influence of every worker should make an impression
on minds in favor of the religion of Christ Jesus. Light has been
given that the young people chosen to connect with our sanitariums
should be those who have evidence that they have been apt learners
in the school of Christ.—
Letter 59, 1905
Sanitariums and Education
Every sanitarium established by Seventh-day Adventists is to
be conducted on educational lines. And constantly it is to advance
to higher and still higher lines of work. Those who fill positions of
responsibility should remember the influence that their words and
actions have on those connected with them. They are to labor for the
spiritual and physical health of those who are brought in connection
with the institution. A far higher work is to be done in this line than
has hitherto been done.
Those who occupy positions of responsibility in a sanitarium,
either as manager or matron, should feel the importance of the re-
sponsibility resting on them to train those in their charge to do their
work thoroughly and quickly. If they are true Christians, they will
strive earnestly to achieve the best results for the present and eternal
good of the learners. They will not betray sacred trusts by bringing