Page 353 - Medical Ministry (1932)

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Section 18—Extent of the Work
A Thousand Streams
We shall see the medical missionary work broadening and deep-
ening at every point of its progress, because of the inflowing of
hundreds and thousands of streams, until the whole earth is cov-
ered as the waters cover the sea. Our ministers are displeasing God
by their feeble efforts to let the truths of His word shine forth to
the world. Nothing so strengthens the churches as to see the work
progressing in other portions of the vineyard. When the ministers un-
derstand the great blessing to be derived from laboring for those who
know not the truth, they will leave the churches, after impressing
upon them the importance of devising plans and methods whereby
they can do within their borders the same kind of work that the
ministers of the gospel are doing in the regions beyond.
Lifework a School
The world is not a croquet ground, on which we are to amuse
ourselves; it is a school where we are to study earnestly and thor-
oughly the lessons given in the word of God. There they may learn
how to receive and how to impart. There they may learn how to
seek for souls in the highways and byways of life. How earnestly
the games of this world are engaged in! If those who engage in
them would strive as earnestly for the crown of life which fadeth not
away, what victories they would gain! They would become medical
missionaries, and they would see how much they could do to relieve
suffering humanity. What a blessing they would be! What we need
is practical education. Ministers and people, practice the lessons
Christ has given in His word, and you will become Christlike in
Manuscript 32, 1901.
Truth to Be Presented in Many Ways
The church of Christ is dependent on Him for her very existence.
Only through Him can it gain continued life and strength. The
members are to live constantly in the most intimate vital relationship
with the Saviour. They are to follow in His steps of self-denial and
sacrifice. They are to go forth into the highways and byways of life