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Medical Ministry
to win souls to Him, using every possible means to make the truth
appear in its true character before the world.
The truth is to be presented in various ways. Some in the higher
walks of life will grasp it as it is presented in figures and parables.
As men labor to unfold the truth with clearness that conviction may
come to their hearers, the Lord is present as He promised to be. As
they go forth on their mission, teaching all things whatsoever Christ
has commanded, the promise will be fulfilled, “Lo, I am with you
alway, even unto the end of the world.” Those who are honest in
heart will see the importance of the truth for this time, and will take
their place in the ranks of those who are keeping and teaching the
Letter 223, 1905
How to Reveal Christ
There is a great work to be done. How shall we reveal Christ? I
know of no better way ... than to take hold of the medical mission-
ary work in connection with the ministry. Wherever you go, there
begin to work. Take an interest in those around you who need help
and light. You may stand and preach to those here who know the
truth; you may preach sermon after sermon to them, but they do not
appreciate it. Why? Because they are inactive. Everyone who is
able to go out and work should bring to the foundation stone, not
hay, wood, or stubble, but gold, silver, and precious stones.—
General Conference Bulletin, 1901, Extra No. 18
A New Element
A new element needs to be brought into the work. God’s people
must receive the warning, and work for souls right where they are;
for people do not realize their great need and peril. Christ sought
the people where they were, and placed before them the great truths
in regard to His kingdom. As He went from place to place, He
blessed and comforted the suffering and healed the sick. This is our
work. God would have us relieve the necessities of the destitute. The
reason that the Lord does not manifest His power more decidedly
is because there is so little spirituality among those who claim to
believe the truth.—
Letter 42, 1898