Page 143 - Sons and Daughters of God (1955)

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In the Study of Nature, May 8
Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee.
Job 12:8
The childhood and youth of Christ were spent in humble circumstances,
under conditions that were favorable to the development of a sound con-
stitution. His life was passed mostly in the open air. He drank of the pure
streams of water, and ate the fruit of the gardens. He passed up and down
the steep mountain paths, and through the streets of Nazareth, as He went
to and from His place of toil to His home. He enjoyed the varied notes of
the birds as they caroled forth their praise to their Creator. He took delight
in the beauty of the flowers that decked the fields. He noted with joy the
glory of the heavens, the splendor of sun, moon, and stars, and looked
upon the rising and setting sun with admiration. The book of nature was
open before Him, and He enjoyed its tender lessons. The everlasting hills,
the olive groves, were favorite places of resort where He went to commune
with His Father. He was filled with divine wisdom, and through the study
of nature, and by meditation upon the communion with God, His spiritual
powers were strengthened
The Redeemer of the world passed up and down the hills and moun-
tains, from the great plain to the mountain valley. He enjoyed nature’s
beautiful scenery. He was delighted with the fields glowing with the beau-
tiful flowers, and in listening to the birds of the air, and uniting His voice
with them in their happy songs of praise
In the life of Christ, His childhood and youth, there is a lesson for the
youth of today. Christ is our example, and in youth we should contemplate
God in nature,—study His character in the work of His hands. The mind is
strengthened by becoming acquainted with God, by reading His attributes
in the things which He has made. As we behold the beauty and grandeur
in the works of nature, our affections go out after God; and ... our souls are
invigorated by coming in contact with the Infinite through His marvelous
The Youth’s Instructor, July 13, 1893
The Youth’s Instructor, February 1, 1873
The Youth’s Instructor, July 13, 1893