Page 146 - Sons and Daughters of God (1955)

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In Being the Light of the World, May 11
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the
world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall
have the light of life.
John 8:12
It was morning; the sun had just risen above the Mount of Olives, and
its rays fell with dazzling brightness on the marble palaces, and lighted
up the gold of the temple walls, when Jesus, pointing to it, said, “I am the
light of the world.”
By one who listened to these words, they were long afterward re-
echoed in that sublime passage, “In him was life; and the life was the light
of men.
Those who are sanctified through the truth, are as bright, shining lights,
giving light to all that are in the house. Good works will be revealed in
every true believer. The Lord can accept of nothing short of perfection of
character, wholeness to God. Any half-hearted service will testify before
the heavenly intelligences that you have failed to copy the Pattern
Christ’s followers are to be more than a light in the midst of men. They
light of the world. Jesus says to all who have named His name,
You have given yourselves to Me, and I have given you to the world as My
representatives. As the Father had sent Him into the world, so He declares,
“have I also sent them into the world.” ... While our Saviour is the great
source of illumination, forget not, O Christian, that He is revealed through
humanity. God’s blessings are bestowed through human instrumentality....
Angels of glory wait to communicate through you heaven’s light and power
to souls that are ready to perish.... If Christ is dwelling in the heart, it is
impossible to conceal the light of His presence
When the Light of the world passes by, privileges appear in all hard-
ships, order in confusion, the success and wisdom of God in that which
has seemed to be failure
The gifts of light and life come to us together
The Desire of Ages, 463, 464
The Youth’s Instructor, October 13, 1892
Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 66
Testimonies for the Church 7:272
Letter 264, 1903