Page 180 - Sons and Daughters of God (1955)

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By Preserving the Living Machinery, June 13
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in
health, even as thy soul prospereth.
3 John 1:2
The right use of one’s self is the most valuable lesson that can be
learned. We are not to do brain work, and stop there, or make physical
exertion, and stop there; we are to make the best use of the various parts
that compose the human machinery,—brain, bone, muscle, head, and
The right use of one’s self includes the whole circle of obligations
to one’s self, to the world, and to God. Then use the physical powers
proportionately with the mental powers. Every action derives its quality
from the motive which prompts it, and if the motives are not high, and pure,
and unselfish, the mind and character will never become well balanced....
You are the Lord’s; for He created you. You are His by redemption; for
He gave His life for you.... Preserve every portion of the living machinery,
that you may use it for God. Preserve it for Him. Your health depends
upon the right use of your physical organism. Do not misuse any portion
of your God-given powers, physical, mental, or moral. All your habits are
to be brought under the control of a mind that is itself under the control of
If young men and women would grow up to the full stature of Christ
Jesus, they must treat themselves intelligently.... Unhealthful habits of
every order—late hours at night, late hours in bed in the morning, rapid
eating—are to be overcome. Masticate your food thoroughly. Let there
be no hurried eating. Have your room well ventilated day and night, and
perform useful physical labor.... By properly using our powers to their
fullest extent in the most useful employment, by keeping every organ in
health, by so preserving every organ that mind, sinew, and muscle shall
work harmoniously, we may do the most precious service for God
The Youth’s Instructor, March 31, 1898
The Youth’s Instructor, April 7, 1898