Page 106 - That I May Know Him (1964)

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One Plan for All Time, April 5
But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we
shall be saved, even as they.
Acts 15:11
God’s truth is the same in all ages, although differently developed to
meet the wants of His people in various periods. Under the Old Testament
dispensation every important work was closely connected with the sanc-
tuary. In the holy of holies the great I AM took up His abode.... There,
above the mercy seat, overshadowed by the wings of the cherubim, dwelt
the Shekinah of His glory, the perpetual token of His presence, while the
breastplate of the high priest, set with precious stones, made known from
the sacred precincts of the sanctuary the solemn message of Jehovah to the
people. Wonderful dispensation, when the Holy One, the Creator of the
heavens and the earth, thus manifested His glory, and revealed His will to
the children of men!
The typical sacrifices and offerings of that dispensation represented
Christ, who was to become the perfect offering for sinful man. Besides
these mystic symbols and shadowy types pointing to a Saviour to come,
there was a present Saviour to the Israelites. He it was, who, enshrouded
in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, led them in their
travels, and He it was who gave direct words to Moses to be repeated to
the people.... He who was equal with the Father in the creation of man was
commander, lawgiver, and guide to His ancient people
Many look upon the days of Israel as a time of darkness, when men
were without Christ, without repentance and faith. Many hold the erroneous
doctrine that the religion of the children of Israel consisted in forms and
ceremonies in which faith in Christ had no part. But men in that age were
saved by Christ as verily as men are saved by Him today.... Christ was
shadowed forth in the sacrifices and symbols, which were to last till type
should reach antitype in His coming to our world. The Hebrews rejoiced
in a Saviour to come. We rejoice in a Saviour who has come, and who is
coming again.... Christ’s blood avails for us, as it did for ancient Israel
The Review and Herald, March 2, 1886
The Youth’s Instructor, July 18, 1901