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Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work
If those who are engaged in the work of God are Christians individ-
ually, their works will reveal the fact. They will present Christ to those
with whom they come in contact. Teachers in Sabbath-school will
not occupy the time in unimportant matters, for they will realize that
every moment is golden, and should be employed in working with all
diligence in the garden of the Lord. The work of Christ in the sanctuary
above, presenting His own blood each moment before the mercy-seat,
as He makes intercession for us, should have its full impression upon
the heart, that we may realize the worth of each moment. Jesus ever
liveth to make intercession for us; but one moment carelessly spent
can never be recovered. Let teachers and pupils consider this great fact
that Christ ceases not to engage in His solemn work in the heavenly
sanctuary, and if you wear Christ’s yoke, if you lift Christ’s burden,
you will be engaged in a work of like character with that of your Living
Sabbath-School Worker, October 1, 1893, par. 3