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Chapter 106—Cutting and Slashing
“Cutting and Slashing” This expression is often used to represent
the manners and words of persons who reprove those who are wrong
or are supposed to be wrong. It is properly applied to those who have
no duty to reprove their brethren, yet are ready to engage in this work
in a rash and unsparing manner. It is improperly applied to those who
have a special duty to do in reproving wrongs in the church. Such have
the burden of the work and feel compelled, from a love of precious
souls, to deal faithfully.
From time to time for the past twenty years I have been shown that
the Lord had qualified my husband for the work of faithfully dealing
with the erring, and had laid the burden upon him, and that if he should
fail to do his duty in this respect he would incur the displeasure of
the Lord. I have never regarded his judgment infallible, nor his words
inspired; but I have ever believed him better qualified for this work
than any other one of our preachers, because of his long experience,
and because I have seen that he was especially called and adapted to
the work; and also because in many cases where persons have risen
up against his reproofs, I have been shown that he was right in his
judgment of matters and in his manner of reproving.
For the past twenty years those who have been reproved, and their
sympathizers, have indulged an accusing spirit toward my husband,
which has worn upon him more than any other one of the cruel burdens
he has unjustly borne. And when he fell beneath his burdens, many
of those who had been reproved rejoiced, and from a mistaken idea
of my view of his case, December 25, 1865, were much comforted
with the thought that the Lord at that time reproved him for “cutting
and slashing.” This is all a mistake. I saw no such thing. That my
brethren may know what I did see in the case of my husband, I give
the following, which I wrote and handed to him the next day after I
had the vision:
I was shown in vision, December 25, 1865, the case of the servant
of the Lord, my husband, Elder James White. I was shown that God