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Chapter 8—Call to Travel
I related this vision to the believers in Portland, who had full con-
fidence that it was from God. The Spirit of the Lord attended the
testimony, and the solemnity of eternity rested upon us. An unspeak-
able awe filled me, that I, so young and feeble, should be chosen as the
instrument by which God would give light to His people. While under
the power of the Lord I was filled with joy, seeming to be surrounded
by holy angels in the glorious courts of heaven, where all is peace and
gladness, and it was a sad and bitter change to wake up to the realities
of mortal life.
In a second vision, which soon followed the first, I was shown the
trials through which I must pass, and that it was my duty to go and
relate to others what God had revealed to me. It was shown me that
my labors would meet with great opposition, and that my heart would
be rent with anguish, but that the grace of God would be sufficient
to sustain me through all. The teaching of this vision troubled me
exceedingly, for it pointed out my duty to go out among the people
and present the truth.
My health was so poor that I was in constant bodily suffering, and,
to all appearance, had but a short time to live. I was but seventeen
years of age, small and frail, unused to society, and naturally so timid
and retiring that it was painful for me to meet strangers. I prayed
earnestly for several days, and far into the night, that this burden might
be removed from me and laid upon someone more capable of bearing
it. But the light of duty did not change, and the words of the angel
sounded continually in my ears: “Make known to others what I have
revealed to you.”
I was unreconciled to going out into the world, and dreaded to
meet its sneers and opposition. I had little self-confidence. Hitherto
when the Spirit of God had urged me to duty, I had risen above myself,
forgetting all fear and timidity in the thought of Jesus’ love and the
wonderful work He had done for me. The constant assurance that I
was fulfilling my duty and obeying the will of the Lord gave me a