Seite 312 - The Acts of the Apostles (1911)

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The Acts of the Apostles
for Him. From the ashes of the martyrs has sprung an abundant harvest
for God.
The zeal and fidelity of Paul and his fellow workers, no less than
the faith and obedience of these converts to Christianity, under cir-
cumstances so forbidding, rebuke slothfulness and lack of faith in the
minister of Christ. The apostle and his associate workers might have
argued that it would be vain to call to repentance and faith in Christ
the servants of Nero, subjected, as they were, to fierce temptations,
surrounded by formidable hindrances, and exposed to bitter opposition.
Even should they be convinced of the truth, how could they render
obedience? But Paul did not reason thus; in faith he presented the
gospel to these souls, and among those who heard were some who
decided to obey at any cost. Notwithstanding obstacles and dangers,
they would accept the light, and trust God to help them let their light
shine forth to others.
Not only were converts won to the truth in Caesar’s household, but
after their conversion they remained in that household. They did not
feel at liberty to abandon their post of duty because their surroundings
were no longer congenial. The truth had found them there, and there
they remained, by their changed life and character testifying to the
transforming power of the new faith.
Are any tempted to make their circumstances an excuse for failing
to witness for Christ? Let them consider the situation of the disciples
in Caesar’s household—the depravity of the emperor, the profligacy
of the court. We can hardly imagine circumstances more unfavorable
to a religious life, and entailing greater sacrifice or opposition, than
those in which these converts found themselves. Yet amidst difficulties
and dangers they maintained their fidelity. Because of obstacles that
seem insurmountable, the Christian may seek to excuse himself from
obeying the truth as it is in Jesus; but he can offer no excuse that will
bear investigation. Could he do this he would prove God unjust in that
He had made for His children conditions of salvation with which they
could not comply.
He whose heart is fixed to serve God will find opportunity to
witness for Him. Difficulties will be powerless to hinder him who is
determined to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
In the strength gained by prayer and a study of the word, he will seek
virtue and forsake vice. Looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of