Seite 313 - The Acts of the Apostles (1911)

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Caesar’s Household
the faith, who endured the contradiction of sinners against Himself,
the believer will willingly brave contempt and derision. And help and
grace sufficient for every circumstance are promised by Him whose
word is truth. His everlasting arms encircle the soul that turns to Him
for aid. In His care we may rest safely, saying, “What time I am afraid,
I will trust in Thee.”
Psalm 56:3
. To all who put their trust in Him,
God will fulfill His promise.
By His own example the Saviour has shown that His followers
can be in the world and yet not of the world. He came not to partake
of its delusive pleasures, to be swayed by its customs, and to follow
its practices, but to do His Father’s will, to seek and save the lost.
With this object before him the Christian may stand uncontaminated
in any surroundings. Whatever his station or circumstances, exalted
or humble, he will manifest the power of true religion in the faithful
performance of duty.
Not in freedom from trial, but in the midst of it, is Christian char-
acter developed. Exposure to rebuffs and opposition leads the follower
of Christ to greater watchfulness and more earnest prayer to the mighty
Helper. Severe trial endured by the grace of God develops patience,
vigilance, fortitude, and a deep and abiding trust in God. It is the
triumph of the Christian faith that it enables its followers to suffer and
be strong; to submit, and thus to conquer; to be killed all the day long,
and yet to live; to bear the cross, and thus to win the crown of glory.