Seite 104 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
own faith, and his children’s connection with the inhabitants of Sodom
bound up his interest in a measure with theirs. The result is before us.
Many are still making a similar mistake
Let it be your study to select and make your homes as far from
Sodom and Gomorrah as you can. Keep out of the large cities. If
possible make your homes in the quiet retirement of the country, even
if you can never become wealthy by so doing. Locate where there is
the best influence
I am instructed by the Lord to warn our people not to flock to the
cities to find homes for their families. To fathers and to mothers I
am instructed to say, Fail not to keep your children within your own
Time Now to Move From the Cities—Take your families away
from the cities is my message
The time has come when, as God opens the way, families should
move out of the cities. The children should be taken into the coun-
try. The parents should get as suitable a place as their means will
allow. Though the dwelling may be small, yet there should be land in
connection with it that may be cultivated
Before the overflowing scourge shall come upon the dwellers of
the earth, the Lord calls upon all who are Israelites indeed to prepare
for that event. To parents He sends the warning cry: Gather your
children into your own houses; gather them away from those who
are disregarding the commandments of God, who are teaching and
practicing evil. Get out of the large cities as fast as possible
God Will Help His People—Parents can secure small homes in
the country, with land for cultivation, where they can have orchards
and where they can raise vegetables and small fruits to take the place
of flesh meat, which is so corrupting to the lifeblood coursing through
the veins. On such places the children will not be surrounded with
Patriarchs and Prophets, 168
Manuscript 57, 1897
Country Living, 12, 13
Ibid., 29
Ibid., 24
Testimonies For The Church 6, 195