Seite 127 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Caring for Needy Children
orphans, to aid the widows, and be of some practical use in this world
by benefiting humanity
Should Ministers’ Wives Adopt Children?—The question has
been asked whether a minister’s wife should adopt infant children. I
answer: if she has no inclination or fitness to engage in missionary
work outside her home, and feels it her duty to take orphan children
and care for them, she may do a good work. But let the choice of
children be first made from among those who have been left orphans
by Sabbathkeeping parents. God will bless men and women as they
with willing hearts share their homes with these homeless ones. But
if the minister’s wife can herself act a part in the work of educating
others, she should consecrate her powers to God as a Christian worker.
She should be a true helper to her husband, assisting him in his work,
improving her intellect, and helping to give the message. The way is
open for humble, consecrated women, dignified by the grace of Christ,
to visit those in need of help and shed light into discouraged souls.
They can lift up the bowed down by praying with them and pointing
them to Christ. Such should not devote their time and strength to one
helpless little mortal that requires constant care and attention. They
should not thus voluntarily tie their hands
Open Homes to Orphans and Friendless—As far as lies in your
power, make a home for the homeless. Let everyone stand ready to
act a part in helping forward this work. The Lord said to Peter: “Feed
My lambs.” This command is to us, and by opening our homes for the
orphans we aid in its fulfillment. Let not Jesus be disappointed in you.
Take these children and present them to God as a fragrant offering.
Ask His blessing upon them and then mold and fashion them according
to Christ’s order. Will our people accept this holy trust.
Note: for
further detailed counsel on this topic see Welfare Ministry.
A Test for God’s People—Years ago I was shown that God’s peo-
ple would be tested upon this point of making homes for the homeless;
that there would be many without homes in consequence of their be-
lieving the truth. Opposition and persecution would deprive believers
of their homes, and it was the duty of those who had homes to open
a wide door to those who had not. I have been shown more recently
Testimonies For The Church 2, 329
Ibid., 6:285
Ibid., 6:284