Seite 139 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Child’s First School
The mother must ever stand pre-eminent in this work of training
the children; while grave and important duties rest upon the father, the
mother, by almost constant association with her children, especially
during their tender years, must always be their special instructor and
companion. She should take great care to cultivate neatness and order
in her children, to direct them in forming correct habits and tastes; she
should train them to be industrious, self-reliant, and helpful to others;
to live and act and labor as though always in the sight of God
The elder sisters can exert a strong influence upon the younger
members of the family. The younger, witnessing the example of
the older, will be led more by the principle of imitation than by oft-
repeated precepts. The eldest daughter should ever feel it a Christian
duty devolving upon her to aid the mother in bearing her many toilsome
Parents should be much at home. By precept and example they
should teach their children the love and the fear of God; teach them
to be intelligent, social, affectionate; to cultivate habits of industry,
economy, and self-denial. By giving their children love, sympathy,
and encouragement at home, parents may provide for them a safe and
welcome retreat from many of the world’s temptations
Preparation for the Church School—It is in the home school
that our boys and girls are to be prepared to attend the church school.
Parents should constantly keep this in mind and, as teachers in the
home, should consecrate every power of the being to God, that they
may fulfill their high and holy mission. Diligent, faithful instruction
in the home is the best preparation that children can receive for school
God’s Injunctions to Be Paramount—We have Bible rules for
the guidance of all, both parents and children, a high and holy standard
from which there can be no swerving. God’s injunctions must be
paramount. Let the father and mother of the family spread out God’s
word before Him, the searcher of hearts, and ask in sincerity, “What
hath God said?
Pacific Health Journal, January, 1890
Testimonies For The Church 3, 337
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 65
Counsels to Teachers, Parents, and Students, 150
The Review and Herald, September 15, 1891