Seite 150 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
When Children Need Love Rather Than Food—Many mothers
shamefully neglect their children that they may gain time to embroider
the clothing or to put needless trimming upon the little garments of
their children. When the children are tired and really need their care,
they are neglected or given something to eat. They not only did not
need the food but it was a positive injury to them. What they did need
was the mother’s soothing embrace. Every mother should have time
to give her children these little endearments which are so essential
during infancy and childhood. In this way the mother would bind up
the children’s hearts and happiness with her own. She is to them what
God is to us
Reasonable Desires to Be Gratified—You should ever impress
upon your children the fact that you love them; that you are laboring
for their interest; that their happiness is dear to you; and that you
design to do only that which is for their good. You should gratify their
little wants whenever you can reasonably do so
Never act from impulse in governing children. Let authority and
affection be blended. Cherish and cultivate all that is good and lovely,
and lead them to desire the higher good by revealing Christ to them.
While you deny them those things that would be an injury to them, let
them see that you love them and want to make them happy. The more
unlovely they are, the greater pains you should take to reveal your love
for them. When the child has confidence that you want to make him
happy, love will break every barrier down. This is the principle of the
Saviour’s dealing with man; it is the principle that must be brought
into the church
Love Should Be Expressed—In many families there is a great
lack in expressing affection one for another. While there is no need
of sentimentalism, there is need of expressing love and tenderness in
a chaste, pure, dignified way. Many absolutely cultivate hardness of
heart and in word and action reveal the satanic side of the character.
Tender affection should ever be cherished between husband and wife,
parents and children, brothers and sisters. Every hasty word should
be checked, and there should not be even the appearance of the lack
Manuscript 43, 1900
Testimonies For The Church 4, 140
Manuscript 4, 1993