Seite 157 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Promises of Divine Guidance
Let us instruct our children in the teachings of the word. If you will
call, the Lord will answer you. He will say, Here I am; what would you
have Me do for you? Heaven is linked with earth that every soul may
be enabled to fulfill his mission. The Lord loves these children. He
wants them brought up with an understanding of their high calling
The Holy Spirit Will Guide—The mother should feel her need
of the Holy Spirit’s guidance, that she herself may have a genuine
experience in submission to the way and will of God. Then, through
the grace of Christ, she can be a wise, gentle, loving teacher
Christ has made every provision that every parent who will be
controlled by the Holy Spirit will be given strength and grace to be a
teacher in the home. This education and discipline in the home will
have a molding and fashioning influence
Divine Power Will Unite With Human Effort—Without human
effort divine effort is in vain. God will work with power when in
trustful dependence upon Him parents will awake to the sacred respon-
sibility resting upon them and seek to train their children aright. He
will co-operate with those parents who carefully and prayerfully edu-
cate their children, working out their own and their children’s salvation.
He will work in them to will and to do of His own good pleasure
Human effort alone will not result in helping your children to
perfect a character for heaven; but with divine help a grand and holy
work may be accomplished
When you take up your duties as a parent in the strength of God,
with a firm determination never to relax your efforts nor to leave your
post of duty in striving to make your children what God would have
them, then God looks down upon you with approbation. He knows that
you are doing the best you can, and He will increase your power. He
will Himself do the part of the work that the mother or father cannot
do; He will work with the wise, patient, well-directed efforts of the
God-fearing mother. Parents, God does not propose to do the work
that He has left for you to do in your home. You must not give up to
Manuscript 31, 1909
Counsels to Teachers, Parents, and Students, 128
Manuscript 36, 1899
The Signs of the Times, September 25, 1901
The Review and Herald, October 25, 1892