Seite 257 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Moral Standards
of those who breathe an impure suggestion. Loathe these defiling
sins with the most intense hatred. Flee from those who would, even
in conversation, let the mind run in such a channel, “for out of the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” ...
You should not for one moment give place to an impure, covert
suggestion, for even this will stain the soul, as impure water defiles
the channel through which it passes
A woman who will allow an unchaste word or hint to be uttered in
her presence is not as God would have her; one that will permit any
undue familiarity or impure suggestion does not preserve her godlike
Protected by a Sacred Circle of Purity—Our sisters should en-
courage true meekness; they should not be forward, talkative, and bold,
but modest and unassuming, slow to speak. They may cherish cour-
teousness. To be kind, tender, pitiful, forgiving, and humble would
be becoming and well pleasing to God. If they occupy this position,
they will not be burdened with undue attention from gentlemen in the
church or out. All will feel that there is a sacred circle of purity around
these God-fearing women which shields them from any unwarrantable
With some women professing godliness, there is a careless, coarse
freedom of manner which leads to wrong and evil. But those godly
women whose minds and hearts are occupied in meditating upon
themes which strengthen purity of life, and which elevate the soul
to commune with God, will not be easily led astray from the path of
rectitude and virtue. Such will be fortified against the sophistry of
Satan; they will be prepared to withstand his seductive arts
I appeal to you, as followers of Christ making an exalted profession,
to cherish the precious, priceless gem of modesty. This will guard
Control the Thoughts—You should control your thoughts. This
will not be an easy task; you cannot accomplish it without close and
even severe effort. Yet God requires this of you; it is a duty resting
upon every accountable being. You are responsible to God for your
Testimonies For The Church 5, 146, 147
Manuscript 4a, 1885
Testimonies For The Church 2, 456
Testimonies For The Church 1, 458.1