Seite 259 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Moral Standards
tude and should lead a God-fearing woman or youth to recoil with
horror, not only from the sin he would have you commit, but from the
hypocrisy and villainy of one whom the people respect and honor as
God’s servant
If a minister of the gospel does not control his baser passions, if
he fails to follow the example of the apostle and so dishonors his
profession and faith as to even name the indulgence of sin, our sisters
who profess godliness should not for an instant flatter themselves that
sin or crime loses its sinfulness in the least because their minister
dares to engage in it. The fact that men who are in responsible places
show themselves to be familiar with sin should not lessen the guilt
and enormity of the sin in the minds of any. Sin should appear just as
sinful, just as abhorrent, as it had been heretofore regarded; and the
minds of the pure and elevated should abhor and shun the one who
indulges in sin as they would flee from a serpent whose sting was
deadly. If the sisters were elevated and possessed purity of heart, any
corrupt advances, even from their minister, would be repulsed with
such positiveness as would never need a repetition
Be Faithful to Marriage Vows—How careful should the husband
and father be to maintain his loyalty to his marriage vows! How
circumspect should be his character, lest he shall encourage thoughts
in young girls, or even in married women, that are not in accordance
with the high, holy standard—the commandments of God! Those
commandments Christ shows to be exceedingly broad, reaching even
the thoughts, intents, and purposes of the heart. Here is where many are
delinquent. Their heart imaginings are not of the pure, holy character
which God requires; and however high their calling, however talented
they may be, God will mark iniquity against them and will count them
as far more guilty and deserving of His wrath than those who have less
talent, less light, less influence
To married men I am instructed to say, It is to your wives, the
mothers of your children, that your respect and affection are due. Your
attentions are to be given to them, and your thoughts are to dwell upon
plans for their happiness
Testimonies For The Church 2, 458, 459
Testimonies For The Church 2, 457
Testimonies For The Church 5, 594, 595
Letter 231, 1903