Seite 266 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
lines of control in her firm hand, that lust shall be held under bit and
A Wife Urged to Change Disposition, Not the Marriage Sta-
tus—I have received a letter from your husband. I would say that there
is only one thing for which a husband may lawfully separate from his
wife or a wife from her husband, and that is adultery.
If your dispositions are not congenial, would it not be for the glory
of God for you to change these dispositions?
A husband and wife should cultivate respect and affection for each
other. They should guard the spirit, the words, and the actions so that
nothing will be said or done to irritate or annoy. Each is to have a
care for the other, doing all in their power to strengthen their mutual
I tell you both to seek the Lord. In love and kindness do your
duty one to the other. The husband should cultivate industrious habits,
doing his best to support his family. This will lead his wife to have
respect for him....
My sister, you cannot please God by maintaining your present
attitude. Forgive your husband. He is your husband, and you will be
blessed in striving to be a dutiful, affectionate wife. Let the law of
kindness be on your lips. You can and must change your attitude
You must both study how you can assimilate, instead of differing,
with one another.... The use of mild, gentle methods will make a
surprising difference in your lives
Adultery, Divorce, and Church Membership—In regard to the
case of the injured sister, A.G., we would say in reply to the questions
of——that it is a feature in the cases of most who have been overtaken
in sin, as her husband has, that they have no real sense of their villainy.
Some, however, do and are restored to the church, but not till they have
merited the confidence of the people of God by unqualified confessions
and a period of sincere repentance. This case presents difficulties not
found in some, and we would add only the following:
1. In cases of the violation of the seventh commandment where
the guilty party does not manifest true repentance, if the injured party
Letter 8, 1888
Letter 168, 1901
Letter 157, 1903