Seite 270 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
that I may sup with Thee, and Thee with me,” the heavenly Guest will
enter. When this element, which is all divine, abides with you, there is
peace and rest
Maintain Christian Principles—The household where God is
not worshiped is like a ship in the midst of the sea without a pilot or a
helm. The tempest beats and breaks upon it, and there is danger that all
on board may perish. Regard your life and the lives of your children as
precious for Christ’s sake, for you must meet them and your husband
before the throne of God. Your steadfast Christian principles must not
become weak, but stronger and stronger. However much your husband
may be annoyed, however strongly he may oppose you, you must show
a consistent, faithful, Christian steadfastness. And then whatever he
may say, in heart and judgment he can but respect you, if he has a
heart of flesh
God’s Claims to Come First [
Note: taken from chapter “Warn-
ings and Reproofs,” in which are found testimonies to a number of
members in a certain church. This follows a message addressed to a
brother T.—Compilers.
]—I was then shown his daughter-in-law. She
is beloved of God, but held in servile bondage, fearing, trembling,
desponding, doubting, and very nervous. This sister should not feel
that she must yield her will to a godless youth who has less years upon
his head than herself. She should remember that her marriage does
not destroy her individuality. God has claims upon her higher than any
earthly claim. Christ has bought her with His own blood. She is not
her own. She fails to put her entire trust in God and submits to yield
her convictions, her conscience, to an overbearing, tyrannical man,
fired up by Satan whenever his satanic majesty can work effectually
through him to intimidate this trembling, shrinking soul. She has
so many times been thrown into agitation that her nervous system is
shattered, and she is merely a wreck. Is it the will of the Lord that
this sister should be in this state and God be robbed of her service?
No. Her marriage was a deception of the devil. Yet now she should
make the best of it, treat her husband with tenderness, and make him as
happy as she can without violating her conscience; for if he remains in
his rebellion, this world is all the heaven he will have. But to deprive
Letter 124, 1897
Letter 76, 1896