Seite 291 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Principles of Family Finance
no time now to invent ways for using up money. Use your inventive
faculties in seeking to economize
Economy Consistent With Generosity—The natural turn of
youth in this age is to neglect and despise economy and to confound
it with stinginess and narrowness. But economy is consistent with
the most broad and liberal views and feelings; there can be no true
generosity where it is not practiced. No one should think it beneath
him to study
The Other Extreme—Unwise Economy—God is not honored
when the body is neglected or abused and is thus unfitted for His
service. To care for the body by providing for it food that is relishable
and strengthening is one of the first duties of the householder. It is far
better to have less expensive clothing and furniture than to stint the
supply of food.
Some householders stint the family table in order to provide expen-
sive entertainment for visitors. This is unwise. In the entertainment of
guests there should be greater simplicity. Let the needs of the family
have first attention.
Unwise economy and artificial customs often prevent the exercise
of hospitality where it is needed and would be a blessing. The regular
supply of food for our tables should be such that the unexpected guest
can be made welcome without burdening the housewife to make extra
Our economy must never be of that kind which would lead to pro-
viding meager meals. Students should have an abundance of whole-
some food. But let those in charge of the cooking gather up the
fragments that nothing be lost
Economy does not mean niggardliness, but a prudent expenditure
of means because there is a great work to be done
Provide Conveniences to Lighten Wife’s Labor—Brother E’s
family live in accordance with the principles of strictest economy....
Brother E had conscientiously decided not to build a convenient wood-
shed and kitchen for his large family, because he did not feel free to
Testimonies For The Church 6: 451
Ibid., 5:400
The Ministry of Healing, 322
Testimonies For The Church 6, 209
Letter 151, 1899