Seite 328 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
refinement will never be revealed so long as self is considered as the
supreme object. Love must dwell in the heart. A thoroughgoing
Christian draws his motives of action from his deep heart-love for his
Master. Up through the roots of his affection for Christ springs an
unselfish interest in his brethren
Of all things that are sought, cherished, and cultivated, there is
nothing so valuable in the sight of God as a pure heart, a disposition
imbued with thankfulness and peace.
If the divine harmony of truth and love exists in the heart, it will
shine forth in words and actions.... The spirit of genuine benevolence
must dwell in the heart. Love imparts to its possessor grace, propriety,
and comeliness of deportment. Love illuminates the countenance and
subdues the voice; it refines and elevates the entire man. It brings him
into harmony with God, for it is a heavenly attribute
True courtesy is not learned by the mere practice of rules of eti-
quette. Propriety of deportment is at all times to be observed; wherever
principle is not compromised, consideration of others will lead to com-
pliance with accepted customs; but true courtesy requires no sacrifice
of principle to conventionality. It ignores caste. It teaches self-respect,
respect for the dignity of man as man, a regard for every member of
the great human brotherhood
Love Is Expressed in Looks, Words, and Acts—Above all
things, parents should surround their children with an atmosphere
of cheerfulness, courtesy, and love. A home where love dwells and
where it finds expression in looks, in words, in acts, is a place where
angels delight to dwell. Parents, let the sunshine of love, cheer, and
happy content enter your own hearts, and let its sweet influence per-
vade the home. Manifest a kindly, forbearing spirit, and encourage the
same in your children, cultivating all those graces that will brighten
the home life. The atmosphere thus created will be to the children
what air and sunshine are to the vegetable world, promoting health
and vigor of mind and body
Gentle manners, cheerful conversation, and loving acts will bind
the hearts of children to their parents by the silken cords of affection
The Ministry of Healing, 490
Testimonies For The Church 4, 559, 560
Education, 240
Counsels to Teachers, Parents, and Students, 115