Seite 366 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
by receiving our gifts and sympathy. We are to remember that it is
more blessed to give than to receive. The attentions of our brethren
are most liberal to those whom they wish to honor, and whose respect
they desire, but who do not need their help at all. Custom and fashion
say, Give to those who will give to you; but this is not the Bible rule of
giving. The word of God declares against this way of gratifying self in
thus bestowing our gifts, and says, “He that giveth to the rich, shall
surely come to want.”
Now a season is coming when we shall have our principles tested.
Let us begin to think what we can do for God’s needy ones. We can
make them through ourselves the recipients of God’s blessings. Think
what widow, what orphan, what poor family you can relieve, not in
a way to make a great parade about the matter, but be as a channel
through which the Lord’s substance shall flow as a blessing to His
But this does not embrace all your duty. Make an offering to your
best Friend; acknowledge His bounties; show your gratitude for His
favors; bring a thank offering to God.... Brethren and sisters, eat a plain
dinner on Thanksgiving Day, and with the money you would spend
in extras with which to indulge the appetite, make a thank offering to
Let not any more Thanksgiving days be observed to please and
gratify the appetite and glorify self. We have reason for coming into
the courts of the Lord with offerings of gratitude that He has preserved
our lives another year.... If a feast is to be made, let it be for those who
are in need
A Day to Give Thanks [
Note: part of a thanksgiving sermon
delivered at the Battle Creek Tabernacle, Nov. 27, 1884.
]—I think we
have something to be thankful for. We ought to be glad and rejoice in
God, for He has given us many mercies.... We want this Thanksgiving
to be all that it implies. Do not let it be perverted, mingled with dross;
but let it be what its name implies—giving thanks. Let our voices
ascend in praise
Why Not Holidays Unto God?—Would it not be well for us to
observe holidays unto God, when we could revive in our minds the
The Review and Herald, November 18, 1884
The Review and Herald, December 23, 1884