Seite 370 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
candies and useless toys may be treasured up with which to buy these
Let those who wish to make valuable presents to their children,
grandchildren, nephews, and nieces procure for them the children’s
books mentioned above. For young people the Life of Joseph Bates
is a treasure; also the three volumes of The Spirit of Prophecy. [
early E. G. White books preceding the present “Conflict Of The Ages
] These volumes should be placed in every family in the land.
God is giving light from heaven, and not a family should be without
it. Let the presents you shall make be of that order which will shed
beams of light upon the pathway to heaven
Jesus Not to Be Forgotten—Brethren and sisters, while you are
devising gifts for one another, I would remind you of our heavenly
Friend, lest you should be unmindful of His claims. Will He not be
pleased if we show that we have not forgotten Him? Jesus, the Prince
of life, gave all to bring salvation within our reach.... He suffered even
unto death, that He might give us eternal life.
It is through Christ that we receive every blessing.... Shall not our
heavenly Benefactor share in the tokens of our gratitude and love?
Come, brethren and sisters, come with your children, even the babes in
your arms, and bring your offerings to God according to your ability.
Make melody to Him in your hearts, and let His praise be upon your
Christmas—a Time to Honor God—By the world the holidays
are spent in frivolity and extravagance, gluttony and display.... Thou-
sands of dollars will be worse than thrown away upon the coming
Christmas and New Year’s in needless indulgences. But it is our privi-
lege to depart from the customs and practices of this degenerate age;
and instead of expending means merely for the gratification of the
appetite or for needless ornaments or articles of clothing, we may
make the coming holidays an occasion in which to honor and glorify
Christ should be the supreme object; but as Christmas has been
observed, the glory is turned from Him to mortal man, whose sinful,
defective character made it necessary for Him to come to our world.
The Review and Herald, December 11, 1879
The Review and Herald, December 26, 1882
The Review and Herald, December 11, 1879