Seite 382 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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The Adventist Home
the responsibilities of the work in the office. They are confined within
doors day after day and week after week, while a constant strain
upon the mental powers is surely undermining their constitutions and
lessening their hold on life. These brethren are in danger of breaking
suddenly. They are not immortal, and without a change they must
wear out and be lost to the work.
We have precious gifts in Brethren A, B, and C. We cannot afford
to have them ruin their health through close confinement and incessant
They have had scarcely any variation except what fevers and other
sickness have given them. They should have a change frequently,
should often devote a day wholly to recreation with their families, who
are almost entirely deprived of their society. All may not be able to
leave the work at the same time; but they should so arrange their work
that one or two may go, leaving others to supply their places, and then
let these in their turn have the same opportunity.
I saw that these brethren, A, B, and C, should as a religious duty
take care of the health and strength which God has given them. The
Lord does not require them just now to become martyrs to His cause.
They will obtain no reward for making this sacrifice, for God wants
them to live
Seek Means for Innocent, Instructive Recreation—There are
modes of recreation which are highly beneficial to both mind and
body. An enlightened, discriminating mind will find abundant means
for entertainment and diversion, from sources not only innocent, but
instructive. Recreation in the open air, the contemplation of the works
of God in nature, will be of the highest benefit
I believe that, while we are seeking to refresh our spirits and
invigorate our bodies, we are required of God to use all our powers
at all times to the best purpose. We may associate together as we do
here today, [
Note: portion of an address to a company of about two
hundred, enjoying a season of recreation at Lake Goguac, near Battle
Creek, Michigan, in May, 1870.
] and do all to the glory of God. We
can and should conduct our recreations in such a manner that we shall
be fitted for the more successful discharge of the duties devolving upon
Testimonies For The Church 1, 515, 516
Testimonies For The Church 4, 653