Seite 49 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Forbidden Marriages
the once firm, conscientious believer and devoted follower of Christ
could ever become the doubting, vacillating person that he now is. Oh,
the change wrought by that unwise marriage
It is a dangerous thing to form a worldly alliance. Satan well knows
that the hour that witnesses the marriage of many young men and
women closes the history of their religious experience and usefulness.
They are lost to Christ. They may for a time make an effort to live a
Christian life, but all their strivings are made against a steady influence
in the opposite direction. Once it was a privilege and joy to them to
speak of their faith and hope; but they become unwilling to mention
the subject, knowing that the one with whom they have linked their
destiny takes no interest in it. As the result, faith in the precious truth
dies out of the heart, and Satan insidiously weaves about them a web
of skepticism
Risking the Enjoyments of Heaven—“Can two walk together,
except they be agreed?” “If two of you shall agree on earth as touching
any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of My Father
which is in heaven.” But how strange the sight! While one of those
so closely united is engaged in devotion, the other is indifferent and
careless; while one is seeking the way to everlasting life, the other is
in the broad road to death.
Hundreds have sacrificed Christ and heaven in consequence of
marrying unconverted persons. Can it be that the love and fellowship of
Christ are of so little value to them that they prefer the companionship
of poor mortals? Is heaven so little esteemed that they are willing to
risk its enjoyments for one who has no love for the precious Saviour
To connect with an unbeliever is to place yourself on Satan’s
ground. You grieve the Spirit of God and forfeit His protection. Can
you afford to have such terrible odds against you in fighting the battle
for everlasting life
Ask yourself: “Will not an unbelieving husband lead my thoughts
away from Jesus? He is a lover of pleasure more than a lover of God;
will he not lead me to enjoy the things that he enjoys?” The path to
Ibid., 4:505, 506
Ibid., 4:504, 505
Ibid., 4:507
Ibid., 5:364