Seite 75 - The Adventist Home (1952)

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Solemn Promises
officiated in the service, and it passed off nicely. The request was made
... that Sister White should offer prayer after the marriage ceremony.
The Lord gave me special freedom. My heart was softened and sub-
dued by the Spirit of God. On this occasion there were no light jests or
foolish sayings: everything was solemn and sacred in connection with
this marriage. Everything was of an elevating character and deeply
impressive. The Lord sanctified this marriage, and these two now unite
their interests to work in the mission field, to seek and to save them
that are lost. God will bless them in their work if they walk humbly
with Him, leaning wholly upon His promises
The Blending of Two Lives
[Note: remarks by Mrs. E. G. White
on the occasion of a wedding ceremony at Sanitarium California, in
]—This is an important period in the history of the ones who have
stood before you to unite their interests, their sympathies, their love,
their labor, with each other in the ministry of the saving of souls. In the
marriage relation there is a very important step taken—the blending
of two lives into one.... It is in accord with the will of God that man
and wife should be linked together in His work, to carry it forward in
a wholeness and a holiness. They can do this.
The blessing of God in the home where this union shall exist is as
the sunshine of heaven, because it is the Lord’s ordained will that man
and wife should be linked together in holy bonds of union, under Jesus
Christ, with Him to control, and His spirit to guide....
God wants the home to be the happiest place on earth, the very
symbol of the home in heaven. Bearing the marriage responsibilities
in the home, linking their interests with Jesus Christ, leaning upon His
arm and His assurance, husband and wife may share a happiness in
this union that angels of God commend.
Marriage does not lessen their usefulness, but strengthens it. They
may make that married life a ministry to win souls to Christ; and I
know whereof I speak, because for thirty-six years my husband and
I were united, and we went everywhere that the Lord said Go. In
this matter we know that we have the commendation of God in the
marriage relation. Therefore it is a solemn ordinance....
And now I can at this time take by the hand this our brother; ... and
we take by the hand you, his wife, and urge you to carry on the work
Manuscript 23, 1894