Seite 214 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Counsels for the Church
A good name is more precious than gold. There is an inclination
with the youth to associate with those who are inferior in mind and
morals. What real happiness can a young person expect from a vol-
untary connection with persons who have a low standard of thoughts,
feelings, and deportment? Some are debased in taste and depraved in
habits, and all who choose such companions will follow their exam-
You may see no real danger in taking the first step in frivolity and
pleasure seeking, and think that when you desire to change your course
you will be able to do right as easily as before you yielded yourselves
to do wrong. But this is a mistake. By the choice of evil companions
many have been led step by step from the path of virtue into depths
of disobedience and dissipation to which at one time they would have
thought it impossible for them to sink
Do not think that God wishes us to yield up everything which it is
for our happiness here to retain. All He requires us to give up is that
which would not be for our good and happiness to retain
Entire Rest and Self-Amusement
Young men should remember that they are accountable for all the
privileges they have enjoyed, for the improvement of their time, and
for the right use of their abilities. They may inquire, Shall we have
no amusement or recreation? Shall we work, work, work, without
A change from physical labor that has taxed the strength severely
may be very necessary for a time, that they may again engage in labor,
putting forth exertion with greater success. But entire rest may not
be necessary, or even be attended with the best results so far as their
physical strength is concerned. They need not, even when weary with
one kind of labor, trifle away their precious moments. They may then
seek to do something not so exhausting, but which will be a blessing
to their mother and sisters. In lightening their cares by taking upon
themselves the roughest burdens they have to bear, they can find that
Testimonies for the Church 4:587, 588
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 224
The Adventist Home, 502
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 337