Seite 225 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Chapter 32—Music
The art of sacred melody was diligently cultivated [in the schools
of the prophets]. No frivolous waltz was heard, nor flippant song that
should extol man and divert the attention from God; but sacred, solemn
psalms of praise to the Creator, exalting His name and recounting His
wondrous works. Thus music was made to serve a holy purpose, to
lift the thoughts to that which was pure and noble and elevating, and
to awaken in the soul devotion and gratitude to God
Music forms a part of God’s worship in the courts above, and
we should endeavor, in our songs of praise, to approach as nearly as
possible to the harmony of the heavenly choirs. The proper training
of the voice is an important feature in education and should not be
neglected. Singing, as a part of religious service, is as much an act of
worship as is prayer. The heart must feel the spirit of the song to give
it right expression
I have been shown the order, the perfect order, of heaven, and
have been enraptured as I listened to the perfect music there. After
coming out of vision, the singing here has sounded very harsh and
discordant. I have seen companies of angels, who stood in a hollow
square, everyone having a harp of gold. At the end of the harp was an
instrument to turn to set the harp or change the tunes. Their fingers
did not sweep over the strings carelessly, but they touched different
strings to produce different sounds. There is one angel who always
leads, who first touches the harp and strikes the note, then all join in
the rich, perfect music of heaven. It cannot be described. It is melody,
heavenly, divine, while from every countenance beams the image of
Jesus, shining with glory unspeakable
I was shown that the youth must take a higher stand and make
the word of God the man of their counsel and their guide. Solemn
responsibilities rest upon the young, which they lightly regard. The
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 97, 98
Patriarchs and Prophets, 594
Testimonies for the Church 1:146