Seite 238 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Counsels for the Church
The Influence of the Mode of Dress
The love of dress endangers the morals and makes woman the
opposite of the Christian lady characterized by modesty and sobriety.
Showy, extravagant dress too often encourages lust in the heart of
the wearer and awakens base passions in the heart of the beholder.
God sees that the ruin of the character is frequently preceded by the
indulgence of pride and vanity in dress. He sees that the costly apparel
stifles the desire to do good
Simple, plain, unpretending dress will be a recommendation to my
youthful sisters. In no better way can you let your light shine to others
than in your simplicity of dress and deportment. You may show to all
that, in comparison with eternal things, you place a proper estimate
upon the things of this life
Many dress like the world in order to have an influence over unbe-
lievers, but here they make a sad mistake. If they would have a true
and saving influence, let them live out their profession, show their faith
by their righteous works, and make the distinction plain between the
Christian and the worldling. The words, the dress, the actions, should
tell for God. Then a holy influence will be shed upon all around them,
and even unbelievers will take knowledge of them that they have been
with Jesus. If any wish to have their influence tell in favor of truth, let
them live out their profession and thus imitate the humble Pattern
My sisters, avoid even the appearance of evil. In this fast age,
reeking with corruption, you are not safe unless you stand guarded.
Virtue and modesty are rare. I appeal to you as followers of Christ,
making an exalted profession, to cherish the precious, priceless gem
of modesty. This will guard virtue.
Chaste simplicity in dress, when united with modesty of demeanor,
will go far toward surrounding a young woman with that atmosphere of
sacred reserve which will be to her a shield from a thousand perils
Simplicity of dress will make a sensible woman appear to the best
Testimonies for the Church 4:645
Testimonies for the Church 3:376
Testimonies for the Church 4:633, 634
Child Guidance, 417