Seite 266 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Counsels for the Church
habits and a love of various studies which are not essential, as if their
salvation depended upon these things. In doing this they turn away
from the special work of God and give to the students a deficient, a
wrong education
There should be men and women who are qualified to work in
the churches and to train our young people for special lines of work,
that souls may be brought to see Jesus. The schools established by us
should have in view this object, and not be after the order of the de-
nominational schools established by other churches, or after the order
of worldly seminaries and colleges. They are to be of an altogether
higher order, where no phase of infidelity shall be originated, or coun-
tenanced. The students are to be educated in practical Christianity,
and the Bible must be regarded as the highest, the most important
The Church’s Responsibility
In the night season I was in a large company where the subject of
education was agitating the minds of all present. Many were bringing
up objections to changing the character of the education which has long
been in vogue. One who has long been our instructor was speaking
to the people. He said: “The subject of education should interest the
whole Seventh-day Adventist body.
The church has a special work to do in educating and training
its children that they may not, in attending school or in any other
association, be influenced by those of corrupt habits. The world is
full of iniquity and disregard of the requirements of God. The cities
have become as Sodom, and our children are daily exposed to many
evils. Those who attend the public schools often associate with others
more neglected than they, those who, aside from the time spent in the
schoolroom, are left to obtain a street education. The hearts of the
young are easily impressed; and unless their surroundings are of the
right character, Satan will use these neglected children to influence
those who are more carefully trained. Thus, before Sabbathkeeping
Testimonies for the Church 6:150, 151
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 231
Testimonies for the Church 6:162