Seite 270 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Counsels for the Church
the discipline of God receive grace and truth and light through the Holy
Spirit to communicate to the children. They are under the greatest
Teacher the world has ever known, and how unbecoming it would be
for them to have an unkind spirit, a sharp voice, full of irritation! In
this they would perpetuate their own defects in the children.
God will communicate by His own Spirit with the soul. Pray as
you study, “Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things
out of Thy law,”
Psalm 119:18
. When the teacher will rely upon God
in prayer, the Spirit of Christ will come upon him, and God will work
through him by the Holy Spirit upon the mind of the student. The Holy
Spirit fills mind and heart with hope and courage and Bible imagery,
which will be communicated to the student. The words of truth will
grow in importance, and will assume a breadth and fullness of meaning
of which he has never dreamed. The beauty and virtue of the word
of God have a transforming influence upon mind and character; the
sparks of heavenly love will fall upon the hearts of the children as
an inspiration. We may bring hundreds and thousands of children to
Christ if we will work for them
Before men can be truly wise, they must realize their dependence
upon God, and be filled with His wisdom. God is the source of
intellectual as well as spiritual power. The greatest men who have
reached what the world regards as wonderful heights in science are
not to be compared with the beloved John or the apostle Paul. It is
when intellectual and spiritual power are combined that the highest
standard of manhood is attained. Those who do this, God will accept
as workers together with Him in the training of minds
The most important work of our educational institutions at this
time is to set before the world an example that will honor God. Holy
angels are to supervise the work through human agencies, and every
department is to bear the mark of divine excellence
Qualifications of a School Teacher
Secure a strong man to stand as principal of your school, a man
whose physical strength will support him in doing thorough work
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 171, 172
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 66
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 57