Seite 277 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Christian Education
eign languages, living or dead, is the ability to write and speak one’s
mother tongue with ease and accuracy; but no training gained through
a knowledge of grammatical rules can compare in importance with the
study of language from a higher point of view. With this study, to a
great degree, is bound up life’s weal or woe
The Works of Skeptics Forbidden by God
Is it the Lord’s purpose that false principles, false reasoning, and
the sophistries of Satan should be kept before the minds of our youth
and children? Shall pagan and infidel sentiments be presented to our
students as valuable additions to their store of knowledge? The works
of the most intellectual skeptic are the works of a mind prostituted to
the service of the enemy; and shall those who claim to be reformers,
who seek to lead the children and youth in the right way, in the path cast
up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in, imagine that God would
have them present to the youth for their study that which will misrepre-
sent His character and place Him in a false light? Shall the sentiments
of unbelievers, the expressions of dissolute men, be advocated as wor-
thy of the student’s attention, because they are the productions of men
whom the world admires as great thinkers? Shall men professing to
believe in God gather from these unsanctified authors their expressions
and sentiments, and treasure them up as precious jewels to be stored
away among the riches of the mind? God forbid
The Results of Christian Education
As the children sang in the temple courts, “Hosanna; Blessed is He
that cometh in the name of the Lord,”
Mark 11:9
, so in these last days
children’s voices will be raised to give the last message of warning to
a perishing world. When heavenly intelligences see that men are no
longer permitted to present the truth, the Spirit of God will come upon
the children, and they will do a work in the proclamation of the truth
which the older workers cannot do, because their way will be hedged
Education, 234
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 25, 26