Seite 302 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Counsels for the Church
Those who claim to believe the truth are to guard carefully the
powers of body and mind, so that God and His cause will not be in any
way dishonored by their words or actions. The habits and practices
are to be brought into subjection to the will of God. We are to give
careful attention to our diet. It has been clearly presented to me that
God’s people are to take a firm stand against meat eating. Would God
for thirty years give His people the message that if they desire to have
pure blood and clear minds, they must give up the use of flesh meat, if
He did not want them to heed this message? By the use of flesh meats
the animal nature is strengthened and the spiritual nature weakened
Instruction Concerning a Change in Diet
It is a mistake to suppose that muscular strength depends on the
use of animal food. The needs of the system can be better supplied,
and more vigorous health can be enjoyed, without its use. The grains,
with fruits, nuts, and vegetables, contain all the nutritive properties
necessary to make good blood. These elements are not so well or so
fully supplied by a flesh diet. Had the use of flesh been essential to
health and strength, animal food would have been included in the diet
appointed man in the beginning.
When the use of flesh food is discontinued, there is often a sense
of weakness, a lack of vigor. Many urge this as evidence that flesh
food is essential; but it is because foods of this class are stimulating,
because they fever the blood and excite the nerves, that they are so
missed. Some will find it as difficult to leave off flesh eating as it is
for the drunkard to give up his dram; but they will be the better for the
When flesh food is discarded, its place should be supplied with a
variety of grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruits that will be both nourish-
ing and appetizing. This is especially necessary in the case of those
who are weak or who are taxed with continuous labor
Especially where meat is not made a principal article of food is
good cooking an essential requirement. Something must be prepared
Counsels on Diet and Foods, 383
The Ministry of Healing, 316