Seite 327 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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House of God
benefit to their own hearts and lead to the conviction and conversion
of other souls. They should remember that heavenly messengers are
in the house. We all lose much sweet communion with God by our
restlessness, by not encouraging moments of reflection and prayer.
The spiritual condition needs to be often reviewed and the mind and
heart drawn toward the Sun of Righteousness.
If when the people come into the house of worship, they have
genuine reverence for the Lord and bear in mind that they are in His
presence, there will be a sweet eloquence in silence. The whispering
and laughing and talking which might be without sin in a common
business place should find no sanction in the house where God is
worshiped. The mind should be prepared to hear the word of God, that
it may have due weight and suitably impress the heart.
When the minister enters, it should be with dignified, solemn mien.
He should bow down in silent prayer as soon as he steps into the pulpit,
and earnestly ask help of God. What an impression this will make!
There will be solemnity and awe upon the people. Their minister is
communing with God; he is committing himself to God before he
dares to stand before the people. Solemnity rests upon all, and angels
of God are brought very near. Every one of the congregation, also,
who fears God should with bowed head unite in silent prayer with him
that God may grace the meeting with His presence and give power to
His truth proclaimed from human lips
Meetings for conference and prayer should not be made tedious. If
possible, all should be prompt to the hour appointed; and if there are
dilatory ones, who are half an hour or even fifteen minutes behind the
time, there should be no waiting. If there are but two present, they can
claim the promise. The meeting should open at the appointed hour if
possible, be there few or many present
Act as if in the Visible Presence of God
True reverence for God is inspired by a sense of His infinite great-
ness and a realization of His presence. With this sense of the Unseen,
every heart should be deeply impressed. The hour and place of prayer
are sacred, because God is there; and as reverence is manifested in atti-
Testimonies for the Church 5:491-493
Testimonies for the Church 2:577, 578