Seite 343 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Observance of God’s Holy Sabbath
them share in your preparation to keep the Sabbath according to the
We should jealously guard the edges of the Sabbath. Remember
that every moment is consecrated, holy time. Whenever it is possible,
employers should give their workers the hours from Friday noon until
the beginning of the Sabbath. Give them time for preparation, that
they may welcome the Lord’s day with quietness of mind. By such a
course you will suffer no loss even in temporal things.
There is another work that should receive attention on the prepa-
ration day. On this day all differences between brethren, whether in
the family or in the church, should be put away. Let all bitterness
and wrath and malice be expelled from the soul. In a humble spirit,
“confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye
may be healed.”
James 5:16
Nothing which will in the sight of Heaven be regarded as a violation
of the holy Sabbath should be left unsaid or undone, to be said or done
upon the Sabbath. God requires not only that we refrain from physical
labor upon the Sabbath, but that the mind be disciplined to dwell upon
sacred themes. The fourth commandment is virtually transgressed by
conversing upon worldly things or by engaging in light and trifling
conversation. Talking upon anything or everything which may come
into the mind is speaking our own words. Every deviation from right
brings us into bondage and condemnation
Sundown Worship
Far more sacredness is attached to the Sabbath than is given it
by many professed Sabbathkeepers. The Lord has been greatly dis-
honored by those who have not kept the Sabbath according to the
commandment, either in the letter or in the spirit. He calls for a reform
in the observance of the Sabbath.
Before the setting of the sun let the members of the family assemble
to read God’s word, to sing and pray. There is need of reform here,
for many have been remiss. We need to confess to God and to one
another. We should begin anew to make special arrangements that
Testimonies for the Church 6:353-356
Testimonies for the Church 2:703