Seite 430 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Counsels for the Church
their eyes and perverted their judgment that they perceive not the evil;
and they follow out the instructions purporting to be from their dead
friends now angels in a higher sphere
I have been shown that we must be guarded on every side and
perseveringly resist the insinuations and devices of Satan. He has
transformed himself into an angel of light and is deceiving thousands
and leading them captive. The advantage he takes of the science of the
human mind, is tremendous. The sciences of phrenology, psychology,
and mesmerism are the channel through which he comes more directly
to this generation and works with that power which is to characterize
his efforts near the close of probation
Yielding One’s Mind to Another’s Control
No individual should be permitted to take control of another per-
son’s mind, thinking that in so doing he is causing him to receive great
benefit. The mind cure is one of the most dangerous deceptions which
can be practiced upon any individual. Temporary relief may be felt,
but the mind of the one thus controlled is never again so strong and
reliable. We may be as weak as was the woman who touched the hem
of Christ’s garment; but if we use our God-given opportunity to come
to Him in faith, He will respond as quickly as He did to that touch of
It is not God’s design for any human being to yield his mind to
another human being. The risen Christ, who is now set down on the
throne at the right hand of the Father, is the Mighty Healer. Look to
Him for healing power. Through Him alone can sinners come to God
just as they are. Never can they come through any man’s mind. The
human agent must never interpose between the heavenly agencies and
those who are suffering.
Everyone should be in a position to cooperate with God in directing
the minds of others to Him. Tell them of the grace and power of Him
who is the greatest Physician the world ever knew.
We do not ask you to place yourself under the control of any man’s
mind. The mind cure is the most awful science which has ever been
advocated. Every wicked being can use it in carrying through his own
Testimonies for the Church 1:297, 298
Testimonies for the Church 1:290