Seite 450 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Counsels for the Church
ableness of unrighteousness,” Satan is to work to misrepresent the
character of God, that he may “seduce, if it were possible, even the
elect.” If there was ever a people in need of constantly increasing light
from heaven, it is the people that, in this time of peril, God has called
to be the depositaries of His holy law and to vindicate His character
before the world. Those to whom has been committed a trust so sacred
must be spiritualized, elevated, vitalized, by the truths they profess to
God’s People Press Forward Regardless of Doubt and Fear
The Lord is now dealing with His people who believe present
truth. He designs to bring about momentous results, and while in His
providence He is working toward this end, He says to His people: “Go
forward.” True, the path is not yet opened; but when they move on in
the strength of faith and courage, God will make the way plain before
their eyes. There are ever those who will complain, as did ancient
Israel, and charge the difficulties of their position upon those whom
God has raised up for the special purpose of advancing His cause.
They fail to see that God is testing them by bringing them into strait
places, from which there is no deliverance except by His hand.
There are times when the Christian life seems beset by dangers,
and duty seems hard to perform. The imagination pictures impending
ruin before, and bondage or death behind. Yet the voice of God speaks
clearly above all discouragements: “Go forward.” We should obey this
command, let the result be what it may, even though our eyes cannot
penetrate the darkness and though we feel the cold waves about our
In a divided, halfhearted life, you will find doubt and darkness.
You cannot enjoy the consolations of religion, neither the peace which
the world gives. Do not sit down in Satan’s easy chair of do-little, but
arise, and aim at the elevated standard which it is your privilege to
attain. It is a blessed privilege to give up all for Christ. Look not at the
lives of others and imitate them and rise no higher. You have only one
true, unerring Pattern. It is safe to follow Jesus only. Determine that
if others act on the principle of the spiritual sluggard you will leave
Testimonies for the Church 5:745, 746
Testimonies for the Church 4:26