Seite 79 - Counsels for the Church (1991)

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Chapter 7—God Has a Work for You to Do
The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men
and women comprising our church membership rally to the work and
unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers
The words “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
Mark 16:15
are spoken to each one of Christ’s followers. All
who are ordained unto the life of Christ are ordained to work for the
salvation of their fellow men. The same longing of soul that He felt
for the saving of the lost is to be manifest in them. Not all can fill the
same place, but for all there is a place and a work. All upon whom
God’s blessings have been bestowed are to respond by actual service;
every gift is to be employed for the advancement of His kingdom
Preaching is a small part of the work to be done for the salvation of
souls. God’s Spirit convicts sinners of the truth, and He places them in
the arms of the church. The ministers may do their part, but they can
never perform the work that the church should do. God requires His
church to nurse those who are young in faith and experience, to go to
them, not for the purpose of gossiping with them, but to pray, to speak
unto them words that are “like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
God has called His church in this day, as He called ancient Israel,
to stand as a light in the earth. By the mighty cleaver of truth—the
messages of the first, second, and third angels—He has separated them
from the churches and from the world to bring them into a sacred
nearness to Himself. He has made them the depositaries of His law
and has committed to them the great truths of prophecy for this time.
Like the holy oracles committed to ancient Israel, these are a sacred
trust to be communicated to the world.
The three angels of
Revelation 14
represent the people who accept
the light of God’s messages and go forth as His agents to sound the
warning throughout the length and breadth of the earth. Christ declares
Testimonies for the Church 9:117
Testimonies for the Church 8:16
Testimonies for the Church 4:69