Seite 107 - Child Guidance (1954)

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live for some object, to trust in God and fear Him, and to respect their
parents. Then as they advance in years, they will grow more pure-
minded, self-reliant, and beloved. It will be impossible to degrade
such a woman. She will escape the temptations and trials that have
been the ruin of so many
Seeds of Vanity—In many families the seeds of vanity and self-
ishness are sown in the hearts of the children almost during babyhood.
Their cunning little sayings and doings are commented upon and
praised in their presence, and repeated with exaggerations to others.
The little ones take note of this and swell with self-importance; they
presume to interrupt conversations and become forward and impudent.
Flattery and indulgence foster their vanity and willfulness, until the
youngest not unfrequently rules the whole family, father and mother
The disposition formed by this sort of training cannot be laid aside
as the child matures to riper judgment. It grows with his growth,
and what might have appeared cunning in the baby, becomes con-
temptible and wicked in the man or woman. They seek to rule over
their associates; and if any refuse to yield to their wishes, they consider
themselves aggrieved and insulted. This is because they have been
indulged to their injury in youth, instead of being taught the self-denial
necessary to bear the hardships and toils of life
Do Not Foster Love of Praise—Children need appreciation, sym-
pathy, and encouragement; but care should be taken not to foster in
them a love of praise.... The parent or teacher who keeps in view
the true ideal of character and the possibilities of achievement cannot
cherish or encourage self-sufficiency. He will not encourage in the
youth the desire or effort to display their ability or proficiency. He
who looks higher than himself will be humble, yet he will possess
a dignity that is not abashed or disconcerted by outward display or
human greatness
Encourage Simplicity in Diet and Dress—Parents have a sacred
duty to perform in teaching their children to help bear the burdens
Health Reformer, December, 1877
Testimonies For The Church 4:200, 201
Education, 237