Seite 116 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Chapter 29—Honesty and Integrity
Honesty to Be Practiced and Taught—It is essential that honesty
be practiced in all the details of the mother’s life, and it is important
in the training of children to teach the youthful girls as well as boys
never to prevaricate or to deceive in the least
The Standard God Requires—God wants men in His service,
under His banner, to be strictly honest, unimpeachable in character,
that their tongues shall not utter a semblance of untruth. The tongue
must be true, the eyes must be true, the actions wholly and entirely
such as God can commend. We are living in the sight of a holy God,
who solemnly declares, “I know thy works.” The divine eye is ever
upon us. We cannot cover one act of unjust deal from God. The
witness of God to our every action is a truth which but few realize
Those who realize their dependence upon God will feel that they
must be honest with their fellow men, and, above all, they must be
honest with God, from whom come all the blessings of life. The eva-
sion of the positive commands of God concerning tithes and offerings
is registered in the books of heaven as robbery toward Him
Honest Weights and Measures—An honest man, according to
Christ’s measurement, is one who will manifest unbending integrity.
Deceitful weights and false balances, with which many seek to advance
their interests in the world, are abomination in the sight of God.... Firm
integrity shines forth as gold amid the dross and rubbish of the world.
Deceit, falsehood, and unfaithfulness may be glossed over and hidden
from the eyes of man, but not from the eyes of God. The angels of
God, who watch the development of character and weigh moral worth,
record in the books of heaven these minor transactions which reveal
Letter 41, 1888
Letter 41, 1888
Counsels on Stewardship, 77
Testimonies For The Church 4:310