Child Guidance
fillment of little duties. It requires constant watchfulness that crooked
traits shall not be left to strengthen. The young may have moral power,
for Jesus came into the world that He might be our example and give
to all youth and those of every age divine help
Counsel and Reproof Must Be Heeded—Those who are defec-
tive in character, in conduct, in habits and practices, are to take heed to
counsel and reproof. This world is God’s workshop, and every stone
that can be used in the heavenly temple must be hewed and polished,
until it is a tried and precious stone, fitted for its place in the Lord’s
building. But if we refuse to be trained and disciplined, we shall be as
stones that will not be hewed and polished, and that are cast aside at
last as useless
It may be that much work needs to be done in your character build-
ing, that you are a rough stone which must be squared and polished
before it can fill a place in God’s temple. You need not be surprised
if with hammer and chisel God cuts away the sharp corners of your
character, until you are prepared to fill the place He has for you. No
human being can accomplish this work. Only by God can it be done.
And be assured that He will not strike one useless blow. His every
blow is struck in love, for your eternal happiness. He knows your
infirmities, and works to restore, not to destroy
The Youth’s Instructor, November 3, 1886
The Youth’s Instructor, August 31, 1893
Testimonies For The Church 7:264