Seite 131 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Parental Responsibility in Character Formation
direction, or she would have seen the necessity of molding the minds
and manners of her children and educating them to have symmetrical
characters and lovely tempers.
If the mother had let these things which she had allowed to claim
her first attention come in secondarily, she would have regarded the
physical, mental, and moral training of her children of almost infinite
importance. Those who take upon themselves the responsibility of
mothers should feel under the most solemn obligation to God and
to their children to so educate them that they will have amiable and
affectionate dispositions, and that they will be pure in morals, refined
in taste, and lovely in character
Only by God’s Spirit—Shall we consider that we are capable of
fashioning our lives and characters to enter into the portals of glory?
We cannot do it. We are dependent every moment upon the Spirit of
God operating upon us and upon our children
If parents would see a different state of things in their family, let
them consecrate themselves wholly to God, and the Lord will devise
ways and means whereby a transformation may take place in their
God’s Part and Yours—Christian parents, I entreat you to
awake.... If you neglect your duty and shirk your responsibility, ex-
pecting the Lord to do your work, you will be disappointed. When
you have faithfully done all that you can do, bring your children to
Jesus; and with earnest, persevering faith, make intercession for them.
The Lord will be your helper; He will work with your efforts; in His
strength you will gain the victory....
When parents shall manifest such an interest for their children as
God would have them, He will hear their prayers and work with their
efforts; but God does not propose to do the work which He has left for
parents to do
The Creator Will Help You—Mothers, remember that in your
work the Creator of the universe will give you help. In His strength,
and through His name, you can lead your children to be overcomers.
Teach them to look to God for strength. Tell them that He hears their
The Signs of the Times, August 5, 1875
Manuscript 12, 1895
Manuscript 151, 1897
The Review and Herald, September 13, 1881