Chapter 34—Ways in Which Character is Ruined
Parents May Sow the Seed of Ruin—Mistaken parents are teach-
ing their children lessons which will prove ruinous to them, and are
also planting thorns for their own feet.... To a great extent, parents hold
in their own hands the future happiness of their children. Upon them
rests the important work of forming the character of these children.
The instructions given in childhood will follow them all through life.
Parents sow the seed which will spring up and bear fruit either for
good or evil. They can fit their sons and daughters for happiness or for
By Indulgence or Iron Rule—Children are often indulged from
their babyhood, and wrong habits become fixed. The parents have been
bending the sapling. By their course of training the character develops,
either into deformity or into symmetry and beauty. But while many
err upon the side of indulgence, others go to the opposite extreme and
rule their children with a rod of iron. Neither of these follow out the
Bible directions, but both are doing a fearful work. They are molding
the minds of their children and must render an account in the day of
God for the manner in which they have done this. Eternity will reveal
the results of the work done in this life
By Failing to Train for God—In failing to train their children to
keep the way of the Lord, to do those things which He has commanded,
parents neglect a solemn duty
Some [children] have been left to do as they pleased; others have
been found fault with and discouraged. But little pleasantness, and
cheerfulness, and words of approval have been given them
Oh, if mothers would only work with wisdom, with calmness and
determination, to train and subdue the carnal tempers of their children,
what an amount of sin would be nipped in the bud, and what a host
Testimonies For The Church 1:393
Testimonies For The Church 4:368, 369
Manuscript 12, 1898
Manuscript 34, 1893