Seite 136 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Child Guidance
By Overlooking Glaring Wrongs—Instead of uniting with those
who bear the burdens, to lift up the standard of morals, and working
with heart and soul in the fear of God to correct the wrongs in their
children, many parents soothe their own consciences by saying, “My
children are no worse than others.” They seek to conceal the glaring
wrongs which God hates, lest their children shall become offended and
take some desperate course. If the spirit of rebellion is in their hearts,
far better subdue it now than permit it to increase and strengthen by
indulgence. If parents would do their duty, we should see a different
state of things. Many of these parents have backslidden from God.
They do not have wisdom from Him to perceive the devices of Satan
and to resist his snares
By Petting and Indulging Children—Parents frequently pet and
indulge their young children because it appears easier to manage them
in that way. It is smoother work to let them have their own way than to
check the unruly inclinations that rise so strongly in their breasts. Yet
this course is cowardly. It is a wicked thing thus to shirk responsibility;
for the time will come when these children, whose unchecked inclina-
tions have strengthened into absolute vices, will bring reproach and
disgrace upon themselves and their families. They go out into busy life
unprepared for its temptations, not strong enough to endure perplex-
ities and troubles; passionate, overbearing, undisciplined, they seek
to bend others to their will, and, failing in this, consider themselves
ill-used by the world, and turn against it
By Sowing Seeds of Vanity—Wherever we go, we see children
indulged, petted, and praised without discretion. This tends to make
them vain, bold, and conceited. The seeds of vanity are easily sown in
the human heart by injudicious parents and guardians, who praise and
indulge the young under their charge, with no thought of the future.
Self-will and pride are evils that turned angels into demons and barred
the gates of heaven against them. And yet parents, unconsciously, are
systematically training their children to be the agents of Satan
By Becoming Slaves to Teen-age Children—How many toil-
worn, burdened parents have become slaves to their children, while, in
harmony with their education and training, the children live to please,
Testimonies For The Church 4:650, 651
Testimonies For The Church 4:201
Pacific Health Journal, January, 1890