Chapter 35—How Parents May Build Strong
Devote Best Time and Thought to It—The parents receive the
child a helpless burden in their arms; he knows nothing, and he is to be
taught to love God, is to be brought up in the nurture and admonition
of the Lord. He is to be fashioned after the divine model.
When parents see the importance of their work in training their
children, when they see that it involves eternal interest, they will feel
that they must devote their best time and thought to this work
Gain an Understanding of Principles Involved—The lessons
learned, the habits formed, during the years of infancy and childhood
have more to do with the formation of the character and the direction
of the life than have all the instruction and training of after years.
Parents need to consider this. They should understand the princi-
ples that underlie the care and training of children. They should be
capable of rearing them in physical, mental, and moral health
Shun Superficiality—We are living in an age when almost ev-
erything is superficial. There is but little stability and firmness of
character, because the training and education of children from their
cradle is superficial. Their character is built upon sliding sand. Self-
denial and self-control have not been molded into their characters.
They have been petted and indulged until they are spoiled for practical
life. The love of pleasure controls minds, and children are flattered
and indulged to their ruin
Fortify Children Through Prayer and Faith—You have
brought children into the world who have had no voice in regard
to their existence. You have made yourselves responsible in a great
measure for their future happiness, their eternal well-being. The bur-
den is upon you, whether you are sensible of it or not, to train these
children for God—to watch with jealous care the first approach of
The Signs of the Times, March 16, 1891
The Ministry of Healing, 380
Health Reformer, December, 1872