How Parents May Build Strong Characters
It is not mercy or kindness to permit a child to have its own way,
to submit to its rule, and to neglect to correct it on the ground that you
love it too well to punish it. What kind of love is it that permits your
child to develop traits of character that will make him and everyone
else miserable? Away with such love! True love will look out for the
present and eternal good of the soul
What right have parents to bring children into the world to neglect
and to let them grow up without culture and Christian training? Parents
should be responsible. Teach them control; teach them that they are to
be managed, and not to manage
Co-ordinate the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual—The physical,
mental, and spiritual capabilities should be developed in order to form
a properly balanced character. Children should be watched, guarded,
and disciplined in order to successfully accomplish this
The physical constitution of Jesus, as well as His spiritual devel-
opment, is brought before us in these words,“the child grew,” and
“increased in stature.” In childhood and youth attention should be
given to physical development. Parents should so train their children
in good habits of eating and drinking, dressing, and exercise, that a
good foundation will be laid for sound health in afterlife. The physical
organism should have special care, that the powers of the body may
not be dwarfed, but developed to their full extent. This places the chil-
dren and youth in a favorable position, so that, with proper religious
training, they may, like Christ, wax strong in spirit
Health Is Related to Intellect and Morals—In order to arouse
the moral sensibilities of your children to the claims that God has upon
them, you should imprint upon their minds and hearts how to obey the
laws of God in their physical frames; for health has a great deal to do
with their intellect and morals. If they have health and purity of heart,
they are then better prepared to live and be a blessing to the world.
To balance their minds in the right direction and at the right time is a
most important work, for very much depends on the decision made at
the critical moment.
The Review and Herald, July 16, 1895
Manuscript 9, 1893
Testimonies For The Church 4:197, 198
The Youth’s Instructor, July 27, 1893